Thursday, November 12, 2009

Communication in Negotiation

Hai friends,

sorry for not giving any respond towards our blog conversation. Actually, myself was called to attend this course 'Basic Hostage Nogotiation' at Police Acedamic for three weeks. this course thought us how to communicate with Terrorist and Hostage Takers. In communication we must know with whom we are talking to and using language to good effect.
Some more info that I can share is in negotiation, we must build rapport to gain trust and establish influences with the terrorist Or Hostage Taker to help problem solving. the best day is during exercise, our team have to do negotiation, where some of my colleague take off from doing it because of the conversation must be in english. can you all imagine how is the scene during negotiation with terrorist from Philippine taht time, for sure you will laugh at me if uou hear the story later. okey see you than friends.. Bye..

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